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Wow what a day! Session 2 - Holistic Training ready to watch.

Better Beginnings for a Better Life

The 2 to 4 Year old Horse

The second Better Beginnings conference is all about the production of equines to the age of 4 years old with a positive mental and physical state for a sustainable life. Our equines should be bred to be fit for purpose and start off life with a "cup half full" attitude.

The in person conference will be held at Weatherbys and will also be streamed live to a global audience. The live feed will be free to view and we would love you to get involved.

Meet Your Hosts

We are thrilled to have Pippa Funnell join us as host for the day. Pippa is joined by Richard Davison and Yogi Breisner, while our Chair Jane Nixon is introducing the day. Follow the links to find out more about our illustrious hosts.


Positive Mental Attitude

Ass. Prof. Brad Hill

Importance of positive mental attitude from the beginning for wellbeing, training, and long-term welfare.

Saddling the Youngster

Diane Fisher

The concept that discomfort or imbalance affect wellbeing, musculoskeletal development, and long-term sustainability.

Sustainable Management of ‘the other 23h’ for Youngstock Wellbeing

Dr. Jan Birch

Optimising management practices for youngstock wellbeing within the constraints of sustainability and climate change.

Holistic Training

Yogi Breisner, MBE

Importance of positive mental attitude in early training for long-term wellbeing, performance, and social licence.

The importance of strength and conditioning in prevention of injury and promoting confidence in the developing horse

Dr. Rachel Murray

Optimising management practices for youngstock wellbeing within the constraints of sustainability and climate change.

Climate Change and the Impact on Global Biosecurity

Dr. Richard Newton

Impact of climate change on disease risk, global biosecurity, and emergence of exotic diseases. How might emerging biosecurity risks and sustainability issues affect equine transport, competition and indeed all UK horses in the future?


Welcome and Overview

Brief overview of the day and speakers.

Positive Mental Attitude

Importance of positive mental attitude from the beginning for wellbeing, training, and long-term welfare.

Holistic Training

Importance of positive mental attitude in early training for long-term wellbeing, performance, and social licence.

Saddling the Youngster

The concept that discomfort or imbalance affect wellbeing, musculoskeletal development, and long-term sustainability.


The importance of strength and conditioning in prevention of injury and promoting confidence in the developing horse

The importance of developing strength, stability and proprioception in the young horse to build confidence and avoid injury. How can we develop individually tailored training programmes with embedded monitoring to give our young horses a proactive anticipation of their work?

Sustainable Management of ‘the other 23h’ for Youngstock Wellbeing

Optimising management practices for youngstock wellbeing within the constraints of sustainability and climate change.

Climate Change and the Impact on Global Biosecurity

Impact of climate change on disease risk, global biosecurity, and emergence of exotic diseases. How might emerging biosecurity risks and sustainability issues affect equine transport, competition and indeed all UK horses in the future?

Reflection Session

Key take-aways and time for your thoughts.

Panel Members

Secretary - British Horse Foundation

Equine & Partnerships Manager - Agria Pet Insurance

National Equine Veterinary Manager – Zoetis UK

Equine Nutritionist BSc (Hons) - Baileys Horse Feeds

CEO - Pony Club

Collaboration and Sponsorship

We couldn't put on this event without the generous support from Weatherbys for use of their fabulous facilities and ClipMyHorse.TV for streaming the event live.

We would like to thank our Better Beginnings sponsors

Agria, British Equestrian and Sport England

We would also like to thank Zoetis, Baileys Horse FeedsThe British Horse Society

and our key collaborator the Pony Club

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